What is Index Network

Index is a composable discovery protocol that allows to create truly personalized and autonomous discovery experiences across the web.

To achieve this, Index provides a decentralized semantic index that eliminates data fragmentation, a composable discovery protocol that allows data to be queried from multiple sources, in a user-centric manner. On top of this, it provides a real-time environment for agents that facilitates integration with algorithms and services and ensures that information acquires a fluid, social, and autonomous structure.

To illustrate, here is an example of an agent message that’s possible using Index Network:

By storing vector embeddings on a decentralized knowledge graph, Index Network creates the first decentralized semantic index, introducing a new open layer to information discovery.

As part of an open ecosystem, Index is built with a strong commitment to decentralized standards to foster a non-fragmented information ecosystem. It operates with the new DID standard to provide decentralized identity functions for both humans and AI agents, and uses the DIDComm standard for secure communication. To store data in a decentralized and composable manner, Index is built with ComposeDB of the Ceramic Network, which makes indexed data part of an open, composable data ecosystem. All data is stored on IPFS, enabling users to create, own, and store their data without relying on a third party.

pageHow it works?

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