Node.js SDK

Index Network Client SDK

Index Network Node SDK to facilitates various operations on the protocol. In this example, we'll demonstrate how to authenticate, create an Index, and add an Item to it.

Index is a fundamental component of the Index Network, designed to facilitate context management and enable semantic interoperability within your system. It serves as a structured way to organize and store data related to specific contexts.

Item represents a graph node within an Index. It provides a standardized approach to representing and managing various types of data.

First, install the index-client via your preferred package manager:

yarn add @indexnetwork/sdk

Next, import it in your project:

import IndexClient from "@indexnetwork/sdk";

Create an instance of IndexClient:

// Init your wallet
const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY);

const indexClient = new IndexClient({
  network: "dev", // or mainnet

For authentication, you need a DIDSession. You can either sign in using a wallet or pass an existing session. Check Authentication for details explanation on how to initiate a session.

await indexClient.authenticate();

We're almost ready. Now, let's create an Index, with a title.

const index = await indexClient.createIndex("Future of publishing");

Great, now you have a truly decentralized index to interact with! Though it's empty, which means we need to create and add an Item into it so we can interact. Let's do that.

const webPage = await indexClient.crawlWebPage("");

await indexClient.addItemToIndex(,;

Your index is now ready for interaction! To start a conversation and interact with the data, follow these steps:

// Create a conversation
const conversationParams = {
  sources: [],
  summary: "New conversation",
const conversation = await indexClient.createConversation(conversationParams);

// Add a message to the conversation
const messageParams = {
  role: "user",
  content: "How do you do this?",
const message = await indexClient.createMessage(, messageParams);

// Retrieve messages from the conversation
const { messages } = await indexClient.getConversation(;

The response should look something like this:

  "id": "message-id",
  "content": "How do you do this?",
  "role": "user",
  "createdAt": "timestamp"

Listening Conversation Updates

Index Client SDK allows you to listen for updates to a conversation in real-time. This is useful for applications that need to react to new messages or changes in a conversation.

Here is an example of how you can use the listenToConversationUpdates method to handle real-time updates in a conversation:

const conversationId = "your-conversation-id";

const handleMessage = (data: any) => {
  console.log("New message received:", data);
  // Handle the new message data

const handleError = (error: any) => {
  console.error("Error receiving updates:", error);
  // Handle the error

const stopListening = indexClient.listenToConversationUpdates(

Last updated