
A New Discovery Layer for the Internet


In Index Network, discovery refers to the enhanced process of finding and accessing information through decentralized methods. Unlike traditional search engines that rely on centralized databases, Index Network leverages a decentralized network, allowing for a more personalized, context-aware, and privacy-centric discovery experience. This enables users to find not just any information but the most relevant and tailored content based on their unique interests and needs.

Index Network's discovery isn't just about retrieving information; it's about understanding it. By leveraging a decentralized semantic index, the platform doesn't just find data — it interprets it, contextually aware.


In Index Network, indexing involves organizing data in a decentralized and semantic manner, making it easily accessible and meaningful. This approach ensures greater data interoperability and usability across different platforms, enhancing the value of the stored information and allowing for more efficient data retrieval and utilization.

You can either Index your data using our web application, or SDK client. Visit API reference for further information.


Composability within Index Network denotes the platform's ability to seamlessly integrate and customize data sources using Indexes. This feature allows for a highly adaptable system capable of meeting diverse user needs and innovative applications and use-cases in the decentralized ecosystem.

It means you can compose multiple indexes to use all the information in them and interact with them semantically.

Data Ownership

Data Ownership is a cornerstone principle of Index Network, ensuring users have full control and sovereignty over their data. This focus on data ownership underpins the network's commitment to privacy, security, and user empowerment in a decentralized digital landscape.

We use ComposeDB on Ceramic Network to store your data, making it truly decentralized.


Context is a crucial element in the Index Network's approach to information retrieval. It involves understanding the surrounding circumstances or background that add depth and meaning to data. Recognizing context allows the network to provide information that is not just accurate but also relevant to the specific situation or inquiry of the user, thereby enhancing the overall discovery experience.

Semantic Network

A Semantic Network within Index Network refers to the intricate web of relationships and meanings among various data points. This network goes beyond simple data linking; it understands and interprets the meanings and contexts of these connections, enabling a richer and more insightful understanding of information.

Search within Index Network transcends traditional keyword-based queries. By adopting semantic search methodologies, the network understands the intent and contextual meaning of user queries. This deeper understanding allows for more accurate and relevant search results, ensuring that users find exactly what they need, even in a vast sea of decentralized data.

Knowledge Graph

Index Network employs a Knowledge Graph, a form of decentralized data organization that maps out complex relationships between data points in a meaningful way. This graph enables a comprehensive understanding of diverse topics and themes by illustrating how different pieces of information are interconnected, providing a holistic view of any subject matter.

Event-driven Architecture

Index Network's event-driven architecture enables responsive and dynamic interactions with data. Users receive real-time updates as events unfold, ensuring that the information they access is not just relevant but also timely and current, enhancing the overall user experience in information discovery.


Agents in the Index Network context are autonomous digital entities designed to perform complex tasks like data retrieval, processing, and management without direct human oversight. They act as intelligent intermediaries that understand user preferences and can dynamically interact with the decentralized network to fetch or organize information. These agents are pivotal in automating data-related tasks, thus enhancing efficiency and accuracy in information management.

Last updated